One Remained Seated: A Classic Crime NovelBlack Maria, Book Three【電子書籍】[ John Russell Fearn ]
Maria Black, M.A., Principal of Roseway College for Young Ladies, does not expect to come face to face with murder in her favorite cinema, when a stranger seated in Number 11 on Row A is found to be dead--shot through the head with a copper bullet! The baffling crime enables her to take on her role of detective and become, once again, Black Maria--the tireless crime solver. Determined to get to the root of the mystery, she works side by side with the stolid Inspector Morgan, local police chief. Together they follow a tangled trail that takes them behind the scenes of a cinema, examining the lives of hardworking folk who strive to maintain the entertainment industry--and eventually leads them into the recesses of a ruthless killer’s dark mind. Another riveting classic British mystery torn from the pages of the pulps. Black Maria, Book Three.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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CCR 関連ツイート
@abdDe135z9en9d0 メインクエ追いつかなくても4.0まで終われば行けるはずだからまだ間に合うとおもうよ!ヒュダトス編までに頑張ろうぜい!
@Ccr_ff14 2018/12/01 00:41
@cat_ccr_bot 2018/12/01 06:54
@abdDe135z9en9d0 一攫千金アイテムもちょろちょろあるけど、恒常的にゲットできるやつが地味に儲かる( ˘ω˘ )
@Ccr_ff14 2018/12/01 00:37
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