The U-Haul Trailer & Doolie Weencer's Hearse【電子書籍】[ Robert Chapin ]
<p>Doolie Weencer was the son of a banker in the small New England town of Prescott, Massachusetts.</p> <p>His father purchased the bank from an immigrant Polish farmer in 1925 at a cost of $61,000 but did not have sufficient funds to purchase the land beneath the bank for an additional $21,000.</p> <p>The farmer agreed to lease the land to Weencer for an annual sum of $890.00 for 30 years until renewall time in 1955.</p> <p>The banker was a bigot and his only purpose was to humiliate customers and extract a pound of flesh and an ounce of blood when they were in need of a loan.</p> <p>The three generation farmer with son and grandson built a business of growing potatoes and onions in the Pioneer Valley of Western Massachusetts into a $44,000,000 enterprise without ever applying for a loan.</p> <p>However, shortly after the bank was sold by the farmer Branislaw Wignarski his son Ed applied to the senior Weencer for a loan and was denied because he was nothing more than a "dumb" immigrant farmer - and chiefly because the Wignarski family never opened an account with the bank.</p> <p>Years later Mildred, wife of the only remaining son in the business while in a beauty salon overheard a conversation by the bankers arrogant wife that the loan was denied because they did not have an account at her husband's bank.</p> <p>Upon learning of the news, Bin Wignarski approaches the banker at about the time the rental agreement for the land under is to be renewed and increased the rent from $890/yr to $25,000/yr (in 1955).</p> <p>Bank has no choice but to pay an advance one time payment of 10 years rent for $250,000. They reluctantly do so.</p> <p>With money being the propelling force in the Weencer family, when Doolie Weencer dies one can only imagine a U-Haul cart being pulled by his hearse.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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Trailer 関連ツイート
"「藍井エイル SPECIAL LIVE 2018 RE BLUE at 日本武道館」Trailer Movie" を YouTube で見る
@kentbaystar 2018/12/05 02:11
黒沢清がロバート・アルドリッチ「キッスで殺せ」を語る「もはやノワールではない」 - 映画ナタリー
@Yu_Luck 2018/12/05 04:44
KISS ME DEADLY Trailer (1955) - The Criter…
@kobachan0605 2018/12/05 02:18
Trailer おすすめサイト
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