Ballads of a Bohemian, Canadian poetry【電子書籍】[ Robert Service ]
According to Wikipedia: "Robert William Service (January 16, 1874 September 11, 1958) was a poet and writer, sometimes referred to as "the Bard of the Yukon". He is best-known for his writings on the Canadian North, including the poems "The Shooting of Dan McGrew", "The Law of the Yukon", and "The Cremation of Sam McGee". His writing was so expressive that his readers took him for a hard-bitten old Klondike prospector, not the later-arriving bank clerk he actually was. In addition to his Yukon works, Service also wrote poetry set in locales as diverse as South Africa, Afghanistan, and New Zealand."画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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Bohemian 関連ツイート
Bohemian Rhapsody on FLOPPOTRON @YouTubeさんから
@YRP_takashi 2018/12/05 00:10
有名なのはShape of Youだけど、Bohemian RhapsodyとかBillie Jeanも良い。
@hideshooto 2018/12/05 00:29
@911ton 2018/12/05 04:52
Queen – Bohemian Rhapsody | Lou Mai | The Voice 2017 | Blind Audition @YouTubeより
Bohemian おすすめサイト
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