The Elegant Art of Dining: Bohemian San Francisco, its restaurants and their most famous recipes (1914)【電子書籍】[ Clarence E. Edwords ]
"San Franciscans, both residential and transient, are a pleasure-loving people, and dining out is a distinctive feature of their pleasure. With hundreds of restaurants to select from, each specializing on some particular dish, or some peculiar mode of preparation, one often becomes bewildered and turns to familiar names on the menu card rather than venture into fields that are new, of strange and rare dishes whose unpronounceable names of themselves frequently are sufficient to discourage those unaccustomed to the art and science of cooking practiced by those whose lives have been spent devising means of tickling fastidious palates of a city of gourmets."画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。
- 商品価格:119円
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Bohemian 関連ツイート
RT @queen40jp: 動画のタイトルは
@youkoxxlemon714 2018/12/05 01:00
「Bohemian Rhapsody」
「Bonehemian Rhapsody」
RT @eigahiho: ラミ・マレック主演クイーン伝記映画『ボヘミアン・ラプソディ』の全米興収が、ミュージシャン伝記映画として歴代1位に!1億6440万ドルを超え、『ストレイト・アウタ・コンプトン』の最終成績161𬆗𬞅ドルを上回った…
@AowieKrack 2018/12/05 00:17
Bohemian Rhapsody @YouTubeさんから
@PDSKLN 2018/12/05 01:23
Bohemian おすすめサイト
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